Are you looking for something specific? Not sure where to look or even where to start? Let us assist you. We have partnered with restaurants, lodges, wedding venues, retirement communities, hotels, and commercial offices, etc, to source and supply custom furniture and décor. The relationships we have evolved over the years with artisans, craftsmen and specialty factories, give us a unique ability to source and create the products you are looking for.
“We’ve helped restaurant chains develop and source their tables, chairs and décor. We’ve assisted resorts in designing and supplying the furniture to place in guest rooms. We’ve even worked with retail supply organizations to create and source custom shelves used by several major retailers today.” Stated Peter Clark, CEO of LMT Design. “We want to be your design partner. Let us handle the issues with the manufacturers and you work on pleasing your clients.”
Whether it be a one of a kind of couch, dining room table or a line of beds for a large project, LMT Design can help you. Contact us and let us know how we can assist with your latest project!